Carl Ford : 4G Wireless Evolution
Carl Ford
| 4G is the next evolution in wireless technology. Discover how 4G will transform the wireless industry

Machine To Machine and the Mobile Evolution

 When we first started running the M2M Evolution event our conversations showed the issues of one industry impacting another.

Today we can say that M2M is truly about the Internet of Things.  And while we are still true to our core of communications, the discussion has spread out to match the impact on a host of industries.

Like most of communications their are horizontal businesses and vertical businesses that M2M internetworks.

For example, our media partner the Transport Asset Protection Association [TAPA]  has been leading the charge associated with security issues.  When you look at the problems facing the supply chain, the layers of security goes from internal warehousing problems to global disaster planning.  A wide range to cover and thanks to mobile it's becoming increasingly easier to act upon quickly.

Understanding that Time is Money the North America Corridor Coalition, Inc known as NASCO is about the opportunity to manage logistics for better economic development and more efficient use.

M2M evolves their focus by adding to the capabilities to manage, secure and profit from the knowledge of knowing.

We are not the only people tracking M2M but it's our hope that you take advantage of us our resources.

Below is a list or resources feel free to contact us to expand the list.


Analysts besides our guiding light James Brehm at Compass Intelligence


Device Driven Discussions:

Equipment Companies

Network Operators:


Vertical Markets

And of course News

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