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Alt Power links of interest

October 26, 2006

Let's see what Googling has brought me in the likes of fuel-related news...

I found yet another reason to keep attending my Weight Watchers meetings. Apparently, the more you weigh, the more fuel your car will burn (which makes sense, naturally because any weight added to your car will in turn make it work harder to move up and down highways....)

Weight Gain Means Lower Gas Mileage

Seriously. It's all about motivation, people. If getting into that suit wasn't enough, now you can write down in your journals that losing weight is good for your car, too.


Plug-in vehciles still a ways to go....

Looks like us technology loving freaks will not see a return on our investments for some time. But that's ok. Because we love technology and alt power for the sake of sounding smart and different, right? According to this article in the New York Times, plug-ins just ain't ready...



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