Presto! Intel Wants To Make Wires Disappear

Tom Keating : VoIP & Gadgets Blog
Tom Keating
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Presto! Intel Wants To Make Wires Disappear developer forum.jpgIntel has made progress in a technology that could lead to the wireless recharging of gadgets and the end of the power-cord spaghetti behind electronic devices. 

It says it has increased the efficiency of a technique for wirelessly powering consumer gadgets and computers, a development that could allow a person to place a notebook on a countertop to power it. This could bring the consumer electronics industry a step closer to a world without wires.

The chip maker plans to demonstrate the use of a magnetic field to broadcast up to 60 watts of power two to three feet. It says it can do that losing only 25 percent of the power in transmission.

The presentation is part of the company's Intel Developer Forum, a series of events here that the company uses to showcase new technologies in personal computing and related consumer technologies. 

Read all about it at the International Herald Tribune.

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