Streaming TV to PocketPC

Tom Keating : VoIP & Gadgets Blog
Tom Keating
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Streaming TV to PocketPC

Shhh, don't tell my boss, but I've always wanted the ability to stream live TV on my work desktop PC. You know for those times when the Yankees are playing the Red Sox in a day game on a work day, or there's a daytime NCAA game going on? Using ESPN's GameCast feature just isn't the same.

There are some sites that stream live TV for free,but you're limited to the channel that they stream. I want the ability to stream my home digital cable network which has 200+ channels!

There are tons of sites out there that explain how you can turn your PC into a Perdonsl Video Recorder (PVR) (ala Tivo or ReplayTV) but there are very few sites that explain how to stream live TV with the ability to remotely change channels.

I want the ability to hook-up a cable connection to my home TV and then access any of the channels remotely, i.e. with a web interface I should be able to remotely switch channels. And of course the channel I select is "streamed" to my PC.

Better yet, why not stream the TV video to a PocketPC? It's much more portable and therefore I can stream video wherever I can find an IP connection -whether it's WiFi, 3G, or 1xRTT.

Here's a cool HOW-TO Guide that demonstrates how to stream TV video (both live and recorded) to a PocketPC. Pocket PC Passion - Watching TV on your PPC in Style

Here's a screenshot for changing the TV channel:

I may just have to upgrade my home PC to handle the encoding. very cool stuff!

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