Pickled Dragon

Tom Keating : VoIP & Gadgets Blog
Tom Keating
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Pickled Dragon

This is just freaky considering it was created over 100 years ago - and not in some Hollywood special effects studio. It would be pretty cool if it were real, but alas dragons are no more real than the Lochness Monster, goblins, or witches with super powers.

(Source: Sydney Morning Herald, here's an excerpt:)

A pickled "dragon" that looks as if it might once have flown around Harry Potter's Hogwarts has been found in a garage in Oxfordshire, England.

The baby dragon, in a sealed jar, was discovered with a metal tin containing paperwork in old-fashioned German of the 1890s.

Allistair Mitchell, who was asked to investigate the dragon by a friend, David Hart, who discovered it in his garage, speculates that German scientists may have attempted to use the dragon to hoax their English counterparts at the end of the 19th century, when rivalry between the countries was intense.

"At the time, scientists were the equivalent of today's pop stars. It would have been a great propaganda coup for the Germans if it had come off," Mr Mitchell said. <more...>

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