TMC's Biggest Loser Finale

Tom Keating : VoIP & Gadgets Blog
Tom Keating
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TMC's Biggest Loser Finale

TMC's Biggest Loser contest just ended today. First, congratulations to Alan Urkawich for winning TMC's contest who lost 36.4 pounds and 15.4% & took the $375 prize. However, if you recall, I wasn't allowed to join TMC's competition, so I made a one-way $100 bet of my own that I could beat all 5 contestants. My wife told me "Don't come home if you have to pay $100 to anyone. What are you doing making one-way bets anyway? You had nothing to gain. That's just stupid!"

I told her "pride" but she already knew my answer since she's quite familiar with my pride & ego. Well, fortunately my wallet stays fatter, my waist thinner, and my pride & ego just as big as ever since I beat all 5 TMC contestants!

Not only did I beat them percentage-wise, but I also beat each of them in total pounds lost. My final weigh-in was 160lbs, which was a 38 pound loss, besting Alan by 1.6lbs. Mind you, my starting weight was less than all 5 contestants since I was the smallest guy. So while I was confident I would be them percentage-wise, I wasn't so sure I could beat the bigger guys in total pounds loss. Well, I guess I get double-bragging rights!

Thanks for playing, come again.

Now that I technically won $375, I think I'm going reward myself with a Playstation3, since I've been wanting a Blu-ray DVD player for some time now anyway.

Here's the final tally: (Rich hasn't weighed in, but he hasn't been losing much weight and wasn't in the running.)

  Original Weight Final Weight Pounds Lost Percentage Lost
Tom 198 160 38 19.19%
Alan 236 199.6 36.4 15.42%
Dave 253.8 226.2 27.6 10.87%
Tim 293.8 262.6 31.2 10.62%
Joe 247.6 233 14.6 5.90%
Rich 230  ?  ?  ?

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