McDonalds VoIP, Fries with your VoIP?

Tom Keating : VoIP & Gadgets Blog
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McDonalds VoIP, Fries with your VoIP?

McDonalds VoIP

McDonalds VoIP?

Google VoIP, now McDonalds VoIP, what's next Walmart VoIP? General Motors VoIP? Maybe OnStar will go VoIP? Actually that's not a bad idea... Hey GM, forget your "secret" nationwide billboard campaign which was cracked via the HTML source code Install VoIP and let drivers make car-to-Skype calls, car-to-SIP calls, etc. I digress. Anyway, someone just forwarded me an eWeek article saying that Mcdonalds is using VoIP in its drive-thrus. Instead of the speaker/mic being routed to a headset 50 feet away, the voice is packetized and sent over a VPN to a call center dozens or thousands of miles away! If the call center is overloaded or if the system fails, the system merely tells the driver to proceed to the drive-thru window to order. Check out the full Mcdonalds VoIP story.

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