The VoIP Revolution - from Caveman to VoIP in an Infographic

Tom Keating : VoIP & Gadgets Blog
Tom Keating
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The VoIP Revolution - from Caveman to VoIP in an Infographic

Ah, real-time human communication - from caveman grunts to the spoken word to smoke signals/drums/horns to Morse code to the telephone to the cell phone to VoIP. It's been a fun ride. Most of us have been around for everything past Morse code. Well, what would the VoIP revolution be without an Infographic to tell the story? I give you this fun infographic courtesy of Voipium:
Global VoIP Revolution: An Infographic
Source: Global VoIP Revolution [Infographic]

While we're feeling nostalgic about communications history, check out my VoIP history article as well as my Top 20 VoIP Innovators of All Time, which includes a slideshow and a few of the companies listed in the infographic above.

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