Business VoIP TMC

Why VoIP in Your Small Business?

April 19, 2006
You are a busy person -- you run a company-- insurance, waste disposal, construction, law office, real estate, etc. It doesn't matter. Communications technology is exploding with growth and productivity is skyrocketing regardless of industry. If you don't believe me, try taking a Sprint/Nextel phone away from a contractor and see what happens.

That is communications for the individual. What we are seeing now is that the same technology that the individual has access to can be widely distributed to your entire team allowing the company to have the turbo-charging effect of a Nextel-like experience.

What I am talking about is a phone system that oozes professionalism and allows you to stay connected to prospects, customers and coworkers on your terms when you want and allows you to get access to others in your company on a moment's notice. Transferring calls between coworkers around the block or globe seamlessly and more efficiently than ever.

These are just a few things that today's VoIP systems are doing for small business customers. If you think VoIP is just about cost savings -- think again. It is so much more.

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