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September 2007

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How Not To Do Customer Retention

September 25, 2007

This is one of those customer service stories that make you want to bang your head into the wall.

Last year, I stopped using my regular small-town oil company because the fixed price they were offering was a lot higher than what other companies were offering. I would have liked to remain loyal to them, but the cost difference was just too great to ignore. They had bought all their oil in bulk just before prices dropped and, though I felt sorry for them, decided that my budget came before my customer loyalty. I ran with another company.

Low Call Center Expectations

September 24, 2007

I paid my credit card bill late last month.

I had a million excuses. The plumbing was on the fritz, my water heater had exploded, I didn't check my e-mail, I forgot to write the due date on my calendar, the planets weren't in alignment and my tux didn't come back from the cleaners. All things said and done, it just slipped my mind until the day after it was due.

That said, I was mighty irked when a $30 late charge showed up on my bill. I was indignant.

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