Android & Chrome and Somewhere in Between

Carl Ford : 4G: For Generations to Come
Carl Ford

Android & Chrome and Somewhere in Between

I have a rough time considering myself press or an analyst.  On the Press side I have been trained to always consider a press release as a strategy and not news.  On the analyst side, my perfectionism comes in and I would want more opinions before I share mine.

I find that particularly true when people become very linear, like the way that our friends in the news have picked up on people abandoning Android for development.

The reality is that Google sees Chrome and Android as strategies that have value.  Chrome is the HMTL5 browser that is going full speed ahead as an OS.  Chromebooks are very cool and having recently viewed the ultrabooks in the market, I am more convinced then ever that chromebooks will hit a sweet spot in the market in the next year.

Android however is not about the connection to the browser its about the relationship with the hardware vendor community.  Android has done the near impossible and deserves a lot of credit.

In a world full of iPhone Fans its been able to outsell in a way that brought warring manufacturers together and almost cohesive.

Google has also put a hurt on Microsoft since the Nokia Lumina is sitting out there with much MS competition.   While Android comes in various flavors and vendors.  Microsoft is in need of more friends.

The fragmentation everyone complains about, is real, but has a lot to do with learning curves in the community.  My expectation is that as we move beyond Ice Cream we will see considerable backward system support.

In truth, it may happen as a result of Google finding the blend between the WebOS and the MobileOS ahead of everyone else.

This is my analysis of the recent press, I would love to hear your views.

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