How to Spice Up Your Online Community Content

Anna Ritchie : Community Maven
Anna Ritchie
Marketing & communications practitioner, and product manager for TMCnet. Focus on content marketing and social media with a specialty in Online Community-building for businesses. Follow @Connectincloud and @apritchie
| Expertise and Advice on Successful Online Communities

How to Spice Up Your Online Community Content

Real-Time Updates from Vegas

During TMC’s interactive breakfast session in Las Vegas this week, we had the opportunity to share with, and learn from, participants across many industries as we discussed online marketing trends, best practices, social media insights and much more. In a packed room that contained an audience of varying marketing objectives and budgets, the conversation eventually turned to what seemed to really resonate with each attendee regardless of size: How do I create high-quality content that boosts SEO, gets shared virally and positions my company as a thought leader?

As passionate as TMCnet is about creating powerful Online Communities, we know that the foundation for a successful site lies in having high-quality content that is objective, non-biased, engaging and – yes – even controversial. Why? Because, as the session participants discussed, the more thought-provoking and original an article, the more likely it is to be shared virally and commented on.

Who’s Doing What?

A resounding majority of session participants were focused on creating multimedia content for their marketing and communications purposes, which isn't that surprising; recent studies show that an overwhelming majority of B2B decision makers participate in wikis, social media sites, videos and blogs. What does this mean? It means that marketers have to be everywhere their customers are online, which explains why Online Communities are becoming more popular as places for marketers to integrate their content pieces and share them across multiple online channels quickly and efficiently. 

Which brings us to a very interesting question raised during the breakfast: Does Online Content have to be entirely educational and informative, and focused on your products and services?

Can’t We Have a Little Fun?


As most of the bloggers in the room concurred, adding a personal voice to your online content not only helps boost the success of your site, but also helps increase your search engine rankings. This is because your audience wants to read, and share with their friends and colleagues, content that has passion in it, and no matter how passionate your company is about your products and services – it’s OK to have other passions as well. Passions about the city your company is based in, for example – or your local teams. Passions about a certain charity… even passions about cooking! So, incorporating those elements into your content will help your audience view you as a humans, not robotic content-creators, and trust you as a brand.

The most Important Lesson for Online Community Sponsors

The most important lesson we learned from the session was to be yourself when incorporating content on your Online Community, and balance your need to impress search engines with the need to engage your readers. If your company has an interesting team-building activity going on- incorporate that into your social networking sites; that’s what they are there for- right? To help people see the human aspect of your company, and start viewing you as someone who’s willing to partner with your site visitors, learn from them and provide them with meaningful, interesting, innovative and interesting content and make them part of your team.

What are some ways you’re having fun with your online content or marketing efforts?  Join the Online Community-building conversation online discuss further.

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** A Special Thank You Goes Out to All Session Participants!**

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