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Brendan Read
| Contact Center/CRM Views and Analysis

Call Center CRM

Three Must Attend/Participate Webinars

April 13, 2009

Here are three Webinars coming up over the next two weeks that promises to be in this league: in timely information, knowledge, and insight

Rx For Organizations and the Economy: Axe The Incompetent Managers

April 3, 2009

The hard reality is that in many organizations is that there too many managers who drive performance down because they make lousy decisions and who waste scarce resources. These personnel lack the abilities for their jobs. What typically happens is that they get hired or recommended because they were good at their production tasks: which has nothing to do with how they will perform in supervisory rules. That sets up the "vortex of incompetence": bad longer-time managers bring on board underperforming newbies--they would never approve someone who is equal to or who outperforms them--who when they get promoted selects the next generation of nincompoops.

Needed: Improved Data Management--Forrester

March 25, 2009

To get a full view of your customers to utilize your CRM systems so you can retain and obtain more value for them, especially in this challenging and highly competitive economy you need realtime access to complete quality data on your customers.One of the biggest barriers to getting value from CRM initiatives is this need for improved customer data management, according to William Band, Vice President and Principal Analyst with Forrester Research.

Needed: A Contact Center Makeover?

March 20, 2009

Unfortunately if reports are accurate, contact center turnover continues to be higher than one might have expected in these difficult times.To fix these issues a contact center makeover may be needed. A good hard look at why those that are experiencing staffing issues cannot attract and retain the quality people they or more accurately their customers need, and take steps to address the problem areas.

Security Concerns And BPO/Contact Center Locations

March 9, 2009

Research firm Datamonitor recently came out with an intriguing report about Sri Lanka as a potential business process outsourcing (BPO)/offshore contact center hub. Intriguing in that there may be a strong case for that island nation to become a BPO center despite its small (relative to neighboring India) population of 20 million. Intriguing is that it has been the media lately on account of an ongoing civil war: which is not exactly the kind of development that assures potential investors and clients.

Attention Airlines: To Avoid Calls and Customer Losses, Keep Washrooms Free...

March 4, 2009

Call avoidance saves money and bolsters revenue by reducing contact handling costs and by improving customer satisfaction and retention by tackling their issues head on before they become problems. Outbound messaging and notification, which will be covered in the April issue of Customer Interaction Solutions is one technique. Another, and much more effective, is discovering and preventing the problems and issues that prompted the calls in the first place. In the spirit of aiding the already beleaguered airline industry and its roster of many fine people still working for it, including in contact centers, here is a great opportunity to practice call avoidance: flush into the 'blue ice' chamber consideration of charging customers to use in-flight toilets that was raised last week by Irish deep-discount carrier Ryanair.

Offshoring and Homeshoring

February 26, 2009

There has been a lot of fanfare lately of contact center work being brought back to the U.S. from other countries, most notably India. Yet unless the additional demand is managed effectively, the result could be higher costs, less service, and more automation and fewer jobs. There will still be offshoring, though at lower levels because many firms are satisfied with its cost/quality equation. There will also be if fewer live agents because self-service cannot replace people where high thought and touch are needed; some of those individuals will be traditional centers mainly because some organizations don't want or see the need to change. Yet a growing percentage of agents will be at home, because there is no place like it to supply quality, cost-effective customer care and sales.

Wired Best Option For Rural Broadband?

February 20, 2009

Now that some $7 billion+ will be spent on rural broadband expansion, thanks to President Obama's just signed $787 billion economic stimulus package the interesting question becomes which technologies should be supported i.e. subsidized to deliver it.

Good News/Bad News from United (and other airlines)

February 12, 2009

There has been some good news on the beleaguered U.S. domestic contact center front, courtesy of United Airlines. The good news is that the air carrier will be opening 165 seats at its Chicago and Honolulu facilities, reports the Associated Press and carried in BusinessWeek, to handle written (e-mailed/letter mailed) customer commendations and complaints (CC&C): work that had been managed offshore in India. The bad news, from this writer's perspective, is that United is ending handling voice CC&Cs. It would stop publishing its customer relations phone number, which will be turned off altogether at the end of April.

Smoot-Hawley...It's Baaaack! Will It Infest Tech And Destroy The Economy?

February 2, 2009

The ghost of Smoot-Hawley is baaack...and it is a real horror that spread misery worldwide, and could do again unless elected officials have the guts to drive a stake in its latest resurrection.
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