Fiorina Teams With Steve Case

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Fiorina Teams With Steve Case

Interesting. Former HP head Carly Fiorina announced yesterday that she would join the board of Revolution Health, an investment vehicle that America Online Inc. founder Steve Case launched in April.

According to the Washington Post, this is notable because the board consists largely of executives who were prominently booted out of their former positions.

"Among [the board members] are Stephen F. Wiggins, once chief executive of Oxford Health Plans Inc., who was pushed out in 1998; and Franklin D. Raines, former chairman and chief executive of housing finance company Fannie Mae, who stepped down last December after the Securities and Exchange Commission ordered the company to restate about $10.8 billion in previously reported earnings. Then, of course, there is Case himself, who in 2003 was pushed out as chairman of what was then called AOL Time Warner."

Read the full Washington Post article here.


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