February 2009 Archives

Yesterday, while getting ready to fly back home from a meeting, I thought I would try a new auto-identification application the airline had installed some months back.  I'm normally a first adopter of anything that can make my life easier (Tivo, Roomba, etc.), but I had to wait a number of months to see this new offering mature.  So, I found myself with a few moments to register with the Web site and on the dial tool as well.  I put in my cell number, confirmed it and went off to call them to arrange my seating preference for the flight. Continue Reading...
Today, many contact centers are managing their resources and investments on a cost per contact basis. But while this is a core metric for managing those centers, I would argue that in the current economic climate, there may be more to the equation than just this.  For contact center managers, understanding the customer experience, and moreover managing it more effectively, is rapidly becoming equally important.  With the trend moving more towards a self-service model, managers are increasingly challenged to provide a positive experience, while keeping the overall cost to service their customers low.
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