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YESTech Follows Up On Employee Quality

June 10, 2005

In a previous posting, I reported that YESTech, a supplier of automated inspection and yield enhancement systems, was ranked #36 by Entrepreneur Magazine and PriceWaterhouseCoopers in the 11th Annual Hot 100 list of America’s fastest-growing new businesses in the United States�(appearing in Entrepreneur’s June 2005 issue).

In a company announcement of this ranking, YESTech CEO Don Miller said, “We provide our clients with a great product and it shows in our sales and our success. Our company is very pleased by this recognition from Entrepreneur Magazine and Price Waterhouse Coopers and we’re glad to share our success secret with others: ‘Recognize that the major differentiating quality between companies is the quality of the employees.’ We're fortunate to have the best.”

When I further inquired of Mr. Miller as to what differentiator was in place to make YESTech’s employees “the best” (as in, specifically what makes the company’s staff stand out), Miller respectfully followed up and had this to say:

“At its inception, YESTech was able to hire�administrative staff, sales personal�and engineers that were experts in the�X-ray and AOI market. This came about due to several acquisitions and disbanding�of other X-ray and AOI companies in the industry,�giving us the ability to hire exceptional staff that had many years’ of experience.�With the proper staff came the proper tools, contacts and�knowledge,�giving us the ability to make YESTech the success it is today.”

So there you have it: Recycling of worker experience already existing within the industry.

With all of the many recent acquisitions we've been reporting these past few months, competition had better watch out, as there must be a noteworthy number of experienced people who may not have made it through the transitional hybrid of their company and the new. They may have appeared to slip through the industry's cracks, but with companies like YESTech, it's probably best not to give up on these experienced workers yet. With the many recent corporate buyings, sellings, acquirings, tradings, firings, hirings, etc., etc., be nice to your�talented and hard-working employees: otherwise, they may be picked up by your�competition, and perhaps they're not yet at their�peak. That would be spitefully ironic. And completely and deservingly apt.�

(Also, and again, worth mentioning is this fact: Entrepreneur reported that the hottest industry this year is technology, with 20 of the 100 companies listed falling into this category.)



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