CRM Junkyard TMC

Baby Seals Find Voice Online

June 23, 2005

Some very interesting, often irrelevant -- and sometimes relevant-by-the-skin-of-our-teeth -- news comes our way. Here is some interesting information that came from a case study/press release which crossed the wire this morning. It involves microsites and baby seal-hunting.�

(FYI,�a microsite is a small Web site or a part of a Web site dedicated to a specific functionality that gives people a closer connection to an organization or company or group; also known as a “minisite.” And baby seal-hunting is when baby seals are hunted, making the person doing the hunting�a "hunter.")

Kintera Inc., a software provider for servicing the nonprofit industry, has developed a microsite in conjunction with one of its partners, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW).�

According to the announced-via-BusinessWire document,�IFAW has been gathering supporters during the last 36 years to “end the senseless killing of baby seals during the commercial hunting season that takes place each spring in Canada.”

IFAW’s microsite,, is used as an online marketing tool that allows viewers to “call for an end to the seal hunt by writing letters to local and state representatives, as well as the Canadian government.

In two months, the microsite, which is a segment of IFAW’s Web site, enabled the nonprofit organization to experience a 174 percent increase in donations and a 108 percent increase in online memberships from the same time period last year.

With Kintera’s Web-based tools, IFAW was able to easily maintain all of the various areas of its microsite, which contained specialized local content and language to create a global Web platform that was customized for each country.

The Web site, featuring Kintera’s robust Content Management System (CMS), enabled IFAW staff to easily update content and keep the site’s information fresh and active without HTML experience or the need for additional IT personnel. Kintera technology also provides the software platform for the organization’s main Web site.

“We are extremely pleased that Kintera’s innovative technology has expanded the international reach of the organization to a larger online audience,” said Kintera CEO Harry E. Gruber in a company statement.�

Kintera provides an online solution to help nonprofit organizations deliver The Giving Experience to donors. More than 15,000 accounts in the nonprofit, government and corporate sectors use Kintera’s “software as a service innovations,” which include Kintera Sphere, an enterprise-grade software platform that provides a secure, scaleable and reliable system for customer relationship management (CRM), a Web content management system (CMS) and e-marketing. Also, Kintera FundWare provides financial management software developed for nonprofit organizations and governments.



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