December 2008 Archives

How to grow your Facebook Network.

December 14, 2008 4:39 PM | 0 Comments


When you signup on Facebook, Most people have almost no friends on their Facebook, and that makes Facebook very boring, You must have at least 100 people on your Facebook, to really enjoy it and make good use of it.


People who are new to the Facebook Networks  and have some times on their hands to learn how it is done and to actually do grow their networks, there are my suggestions to them, on how they should do it.



  1. Invite all your friends to Facebook via the Friend invite option, by entering their emails, even if they are already on Facebook, DO NOT use the add a friend option, but try to invite them via email.


  1. Invite all your contacts on your emails to your Facebook from the Friends >> Invite Friends >>> Import Email Address


  1. Find people of your own Family or Last Name, IE I am Allahwala so I found many allahwala on Facebook and some write it allawala so I looked and I found many.


  1. Once you find your Family on Facebook, I strongly recommend you to add them to also, I will write another blog about geni, but it allows you to connect and network with your family, this way you can eventually see , how you are connected to your entire last name / Family world wide, and how though we seem to be very far, yet we are very very close to everyone.



Please remember that Facebook WILL delete your account if you try to add more than 50 people a week on your network, again there is no written rule by them, but many have had to face it, and that is why I suggest NOT to add more than 100 people a month On Facebook.


Happy Networking


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