2009 - Desktop Automation for Billion $ savings

If there ever was a time when desktop productivity will be as important as it's ever been, it will be in 2009. The cliché of 2008, "do more with less, and do more with what you have" will dominate from now on.

CIO's, answerable to their boards and shareholders will see that innovation on the business side will be the key drivers for their own success. For some, it's about survival and for others it's about bringing back profitability in the business. Frequently overlooked until recently, looking at enterprise users and how efficient they and their desktop applications are will be crucial in delivering massive savings to the bottom line.

Just because your users use a computer and the software running on it, does not mean you do not have MANUAL processes. Just the opposite. Many users use their keyboard and eyes to run 2, 5, 10 or more applications on their desktops. Just watch your users and tell me, the way they use desktop software is mostly manual, right? Automate these processes and allow your users do more in less time. Run the numbers of $$ savings? It's huge and this bit, business already knows and why they want it NOW. Spend a $1m to save $5m or even $10m or more in the first year. The math is easy. The technology is here and it can be done quickly. What are you waiting for?

David Linthicum writes on "Data Integration at the User Interface" - 

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