What makes an application a legacy application?

I might bore some people with my common phrase.. "A legacy application is any application written more than 5 minutes ago" but it quite simply is true. And with that truth comes the need to integrate a 5 minute old application with some other application - older OR newer than that one.

Even if you write a bunch of SOA services and wrap those to create a new application, it's a legacy application. No developer EVER thinks of their application at the time as legacy - it's just an app!

However, it never ceases to amaze me though, how little effort goes into an applications UI to make it "open" for integration. Do developers really think users like to use copy and paste? Do you know, when you click a hyperlink, all that really is going on is the equivalent of "copy this URL", "alt-tab to browser", "paste into browser text box" and "hit enter". Yet if we had to that that manual process for every web site we wanted to visit, we'd get very mad.

Having API's on every UI (application) for automating any workflow is my goal. Not to solve the copy and paste problem but to make every enterprise users workflows (lots of legacy apps), as automated as possible. The ROI is astronomical. Desktop Productivity is the end game. The tools are here...

The New Enterprise Desktop

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