$2.25M settlement over unfair debt collection practices

I expect business owners and managers are fearful as ever about the risks of doing business. I recently read a report of a collection company agreeing to a settlement of $2.25M (
http://www.lvbusinesspress.com/articles/2008/12/01/news/iq_25350820.txt) to avoid proceedings related to complaints for violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Essentially, the company was accused of using unfair practices such as threats of wage garnishments and other tactics that are illegal.

What is not discussed is whether the company documented its calls to prove its innocence or not? I must assume any business person would establish their business with the intention of complying with applicable regulations in the attempt to earn a good profit and KEEP it. If that was the case, a recording system would be useful both to verify compliant practices and train the staff on how to consistently use compliant practices.

When such an extreme case is presented it begs the question how can any business driving the majority of its revenues and profits via telecommunications NOT document those transactions for protection at minimum? And as I have been advocating for quite a while this investment becomes exponentially more valuable if at least minimal resources are applied to using the technology assertively to drive continuous performance improvements.
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