Digitcom Introduces the HOT PHONE

Every so often a creation comes along in the tech world that is so fascinating, so invigorating, so diabolical in its ingenuity that we can't help but gush over it. The HOT PHONE© is one such creation.

The HOT PHONE© was developed by a top secret team of lab technicians in a top secret location tucked underneath the Rocky Mountains. Through years of meticulous, electrifying research, the HOT PHONE© came into being as a result of an imagination, some cheap wiring and the joy of modern technology.

Digitcom's search for new and fresh technology has made them the exclusive distributers of the HOT PHONE©, solidifying the company, once again, as THE destination for hot products everybody desires.


The HOT PHONE© operates as the ultimate in personnel control, keeping call centre staff in line and on task with a very low voltage electrical current that can be distributed down the phone line by managerial staff. The current will give the phone what researchers consider to be an "insignificant jolt."

The managerial staff can control the jolt with the simple press of a button, enabling them to keep staff on target and energetically working towards their goals. Best of all, managers can alter the efficiency and consequence of the charge as they see fit, enabling them the option of administering stronger charges to employees who simply aren't meeting suitable criteria.

The HOT PHONE© is approved for sale in North America and has seen success in the call centres and among the employees of companies like Apple, Microsoft and Wells-Fargo. As of yet, the HOT PHONE© is awaiting authorization and safety certification in Europe. The phone is patented worldwide and can be hooked up with the greatest of ease.

A brief instructional DVD is also included with video samples of the phone in actual operation with test call centre employees.

The HOT PHONE© is just one of many products being developed by Digitcom to help thrust your company towards excellence in customer service. The HOT PHONE© cannot be used in concurrence with the REAL ELECTRIC SLIDE™ or THE WATERPROOF TOASTER© as of yet, but adapters are in the works.

For more information on the HOT PHONE©, please contact our offices between the hours of APRIL FOOLS'!

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Written by: Jordan Richardson. www.digitcom.ca >. Follow TheTelecomBlog.com > by: RSS >, Twitter >, Identi.ca >, or Friendfeed >

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