Samsung's 3D Movement Recognition Phone

My first reaction when I saw this news item on TMCnet was, What in the world is three-dimensional movement recognition in a phone and what is it for?

Samsung Introduces World's First ''3-Dimensional Movement Recognition'' Phone

But as I read more and more of the press release, I became more and more intrigued. Samsung's technology has a built-in accelerometer that can detect and calculate movement in 3D space and carry out commands based on the movement. The phone's sensing technology can pick up both direction and speed of movement. What all this amounts to is that the phone itself as a moving object in space becomes its own input device!

Just use your imagination as you read these excerpts:

"The user can 'write' the number 'three' in the air. The mobile phone can read this movement and then dial '3.' Shaking the phone twice will conclude a call or delete spam messages."

"The user can draw a 'O' or 'X' in the air with the phone, which will recognize it and respond with a voice message 'yes' or 'no.' Move the phone sharply to the right and the selection on the MP3 play function will move to the next tune on the list; move it to the left, and the selection will back up one number."

If I understand this part correctly, you will be able to provide percussion accompaniment to a tune you might be listening to, by selecting a sound and shaking your phone along with the music -- or maybe I've got that wrong. See what you think:

"The 'motion beat box' function enables the user to select a particular sound from the menu such as 'drum,' 'tambourine, 'scratch' or 'clap.' Then he or she shakes the mobile phone and the beat will be re-created in rhythm with the motion. This enables the user to keep time with any tune being played."

The release also offers some predictions about future applications and capabilities of this technology:

"These include switching from landscape to portrait when shooting video or snapping a still picture, or preventing the picture from becoming blurred from hand movement. Games will be played by moving the phone up, down, right or left, instead of pressing buttons. The phone will also be able to sense changes in body movement and provide advice on dieting or other health tips."

And I was amused by the prospect of this feature being added to my mobile phone:

"The phone will also be able to sense changes in body movement and provide advice on dieting or other health tips."

Will the phone be able to sense that I have entered Dunkin Donuts and advise me to avoid the crullers?

AB -- 1/12/05

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