Vocal Labs Intros Contact Center Customer Survey Service

Today Vocal Laboratories (VocaLabs) is announcing Express Feedback, a survey service for customer service operations. For today's announcement, see the Vocal Laboratories press release on TMCnet.

The announcement says that Express Survey calls back a customer "within minutes of the end of the call, and matches caller opinions to a recording of that specific call," providing added insight into the customer's experience with the call center operation. Express Feedback administers the survey using a live agent rather than a robot.

This new survey service seems especially geared toward providing better information about calls that didn't go so well. For one thing, I can imagine that a live questioner would be much more welcome than an automated system for an infuriated customer. And because Express Feedback connects the survey response with a recording of the call, an investigator will be better able to find out what went wrong with a call.

In today's announcement, VocaLabs CEO Peter Leppik confirms this intent: "End-of-call surveys typically miss the opinions of callers you wish to hear the most from: those who disconnect before the call completes. Past methods provide some information on caller attitudes and opinions, but because Express Feedback matches specific caller feedback to individual call recordings, it also tells you why callers form the opinions they do, where when and how a problem arose, and what needs to be done to improve the caller experience."

AB -- 9/14/05

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