Talisma Releases v7.0 of Customer Interaction Management Suite

TMCnet just received the announcement of Talisma's new Talisma CIM 7.0. Talisma CIM (stands for "Customer Interaction Management") integrates multi-modal customer service communications channels -- email, phone, chat and Web self-service -- with a knowledgebase and analytics. CIM 7.0 can be deployed on-site or provided on-demand.

Today's announcement says this about the capabilities the suite delivers:

"The knowledgebase integration allows a seamless escalation from Web self-service to alternate service channels and provides agents with a view of prior self-service searches and returned results. As a result of this new level of visibility and seamless cross-channel integration, service agents have immediate access to reliable and consistent information enabling more helpful and rapid responses."

The CIM 7.0 suite is built around the Talisma Customer Interaction Hub. According to the release, the hub is a central platform that "provides a common interface for seamless transfers and escalations between channels. It also houses a workflow engine supporting business rules and routing routines and provides one-click access to pertinent data stored in third party systems, such as CRM or ERP solutions."

AB -- 2/28/06

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