Independent ISP Wins County Broadband Grant

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Independent ISP Wins County Broadband Grant

"Rapid Systems, a wireless internet service provider, was selected by the Hardee Broadband Project to deploy Motorola's fixed wireless broadband solutions across Hardee County, Fla. Based on Motorola's PTP 800 licensed microwave Ethernet bridges and PMP 320 licensed network access solutions, the wireless broadband infrastructure will deliver affordable, high-speed Internet connectivity to businesses and residents of the county."

Today, CenturyLink provides DSL in some urbanized areas of the county, but a majority of Hardee County is without a broadband option. Rapid Systems will utilize WiMax from Motorola to supply businesses and residents with a 10MB broadband option.

"The Hardee Broadband Project has emerged as a result of the Federal stimulus focus on bringing broadband services to rural communities. Specifically, the Hardee County Economic Development Authority has provided a grant to fund the infrastructure for a wireless broadband system that relies on Motorola's fixed wireless broadband equipment and technology."

Rapid Systems is a Tampa-based independent ISP that has been in the business since 1996 - and has been in wireless since 1999.

For the full press release from Motorola, click here.

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