PwC's Growth Study

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PwC's Growth Study

PriceWaterhouseCooper (PwC) released a study about the future of work/ Here are some excerpts.

"The world craves growth. The developing world needs growth to pull people out of poverty. The developed world needs growth to tackle mounting unemployment and large government deficits."

"With a growing population seeking a better lifestyle to be delivered from a planet with finite resources, is business equipped to deliver? What customers, suppliers, employees, governments and society expect from business is changing."

"'Good' growth' is in everyone's interest and the new measure of success. But how do you work out what 'good' looks like?" PwC tries to demonstrate that in the project.

"But is the growth we're pursuing doing more harm than good? Rapid booms are followed by shattering busts. Pollution is escalating. Precious resources are being drained away....Looking at growth from a total impact perspective means decisions are made with more holistic information and 'good' growth becomes easier to spot."

We are already seeing discussions about bad corporations and sustainability - good growth. "Is growth good when it eats up resources and the community pays a bigger price (e.g. through adverse impacts on health) than the financial gain it generates?

"Good growth benefits everyone - consumers, communities, the economy and shareholders alike." That's the Ideal anyway. With runaway greed, this is unlikely to happen up but in pockets.

The impact of good growth has a few perks - one of which is talent retention. People want to work for something bigger than corporate greed. (What Jim Collins called the BHAG and Simon Sinek says is Why


PwC even takes a look at 5 Mega Trends, including demographic shifts, urbanization and climate change! In fact, the "changing demographic trends are creating one of the biggest challenges for CEOs today: finding and securing the workforce of tomorrow." Which brings us back to "Good Growth", BHAG, the Why - or corporate culture.

Millenials aren't job hopping. That makes talent acquisition a challenge for larger corporations. In a Forbes article, "Business in general has a branding problem. Most students still think of commerce as synonymous with Wall Street greed and Enron like fiascos. ... Millennials care about more than just taking home a paycheck. They care about working at an organization which makes an impact, and sees them as more than cogs in the greater machine."

Interesting stuff to think about as we near the 4Q 2014.

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