David Byrd : Raven Call
David Byrd
David Byrd is the Founder and Chief Creative Officer for Raven Guru Marketing. Previously, he was the CMO and EVP of Sales for CloudRoute. Prior to CloudRoute, He was CMO at ANPI, CMO & EVP of Sales at Broadvox, VP of channels and Alliances for Telcordia and Director of eBusiness development with i2 Technologies.He has also held executive positions with Planet Hollywood Online, Hewlett-Packard, Tandem Computers, Sprint and Ericsson.
| Raven Guru Marketing http://www.ravenguru.com/

Good Mourning in America

Yesterday, when asked if my blog was going to be about Steve Jobs, I said “No”. Not because of any negative thoughts but I did not see how I could add to the accolades or remembrances written by so many. However, I decided to consider what we could learn from his life. It isn’t possible for us to become the genius that he represented. The US patent office credits him with over 300 patents. Similarly, achieving his level of vision is unlikely. Furthermore, as I understand his management style, it would be divisive if used by a lesser man. So, what is the lesson that we can all learn from him?

I listened to him extol a graduating class at Stanford to pursue their ambitions above all else.

Steve Jobs said,” Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”Jobs2.jpg

Jobs clearly lead his company in the direction that his inner voice commanded. We, as members of the IP community, can benefit from that example. What we offer to the world is change. What we do every day changes the way people communicate and use technology. This blog for me is a marketing tool for Broadvox and allows me to share my inner voice and one of my passions, cooking. Yet, I know I can do more.

With every new idea, leadership action and, yes, new recipe, I pursue my inner voice. Your life should be an example as well. Whether at home, work or in your community, you can find your voice, your tempo and ultimately, yourself.

Steve Jobs lived a full life in his limited time. That is something we can all strive towards.



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