3 screens, 4 screens - Why Are We Counting Screens?

People have been talking about a "3 screens world" for a while now: the TV, the mobile phone and the PC. Now that media phones are sprouting around us, they are being touted as the 4th screen. Should we continue to count the screens around us?

We live in a world of gadgets. Every other item we purchase today has a microprocessor built-in, capable of more than what personal computers were able to do a decade ago. Some, many, of these items already have screens on them. And a lot of them are either supporting WiFi or will support in the next couple of years. So why stick with an "n screen" paradigm, when a lot of our "stuff" is going to be connected and have a screen pretty soon?

Think I'm exaggerating?  Take a look at this faucet:


 Smartfaucet for emails (via LikeCOOL)

This may be your 5th screen...


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