And Where is This iTunes Phone?

How could we forget the almost-excitement at CeBit and CTIA Wireless earlier this year when Motorola sort of announced the iTunes phone?

Just as Motorola was quick to spill the beans, Apple was quicker to the draw and slapped a thick piece of extra-sticky duct tape right over Motorola's mouth. While Motorola initially stood alone, Apple cited their practice of "never showing before we release" tactics.

So what really happened with the pulled announcement?

A recent article suggests that "perhaps a wireless carrier who planned to offer the iTunes phone balked at the last minute?" Doubtful. That doesn't sound like enough amo to give the announcement the ax.

Or maybe it has to do with the avarice of all evil - cash. Wouldn't it make sense that wireless provider xyz got greedy with the deal and simply wanted some of the dough that Apple and Motorola would share based on phone and music sales? Seems slightly more likely.

Whatever the case may be I'm still waiting for the iTunes phone - now that the cat is half-way out of the bag, one can only anticipate the product.

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