Apple: The Halo Effect

Interesting report issued today across the AP Wires....

It seems the iPod sales have skyrocketed this last quarter, and who knows who we have to thank for that. It probably is all of those psychadelic commercials -- blaring songs such as "Jerk It Out", watching blacked out people dance in front of neon colored backgrounds, white wires hanging from their ears. (oh admit it - it's catchy!)

Even the Big Apple, Mr. Jobs said this is the 'best quarterly performance.'

Whilst shares and earnings are up - one fact caught my eye and that is the 'halo effect' - where iPod'ers are leaning towards buying a Macintosh computer, thanks to their recent purchase of the highly coveted audio device. Good job, Apple!

From a marketing perspective, you have to give these guys mad props. Since the inception of the newly renovated iMac back in the day ('she comes in colors everywhere.....') Apple's sales have slowly climbed the earnings ladder -- then there was eMac, Power Macs, so on and so forth. Leave it to a listening device to drive people to purchase these monsters -- (and they are monsters. Have you seen the new G5s? The gorgeous monitors? Tiger? The new dashboard tool? Outrageous!) -- who would have guessed something so small could drive consumers to actually *gasp!* buy an Apple computer?

I've contributed to many an argument over Mac versus PC and I'm always losing my battle. I'm not set out to recruit Mac gurus, but being a Mac user, I have to defend what I think works. I'm not saying PC's are bad. I'm not saying Mac's are great. I understand it's a matter of preference. But let's give Apple a round of applause. They've managed to stay in the audio device game a lot longer than some of the contenders.

And congrats to them for boosting their sales, all because of a little listening device.

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