Are You Podcasting?

iPods are not just for music anymore. According to Pew Internet & American Life Project, 6 million American adults have downloaded a podcast.

According to Wikipedia, "Podcasting" is a web-based broadcast medium in which files are made available online in a way that allows software to automatically detect new files (generally via RSS), and download them. A podcast can be thought of an audio magazine subscription, in that a subscriber receives regular programs without having to remember to go get them, and can listen or watch them at leisure. It can also be thought of as the internet equivalent of timeshift-capable digital video recorders (DVRs) such as TiVo, which let users automatically record and store television programs for later viewing.

According to Pew, "22 million American adults own iPods or MP3 players and 29% of them have downloaded podcasts from the web so they could listen to audio files at a time of their choosing."

I've never podcasted on my 1st gen, 10gig iPod, personally.

Although I hear you can now workout via podcast instead of schlepping out of bed and doing Tae-Bo.

Who would have thought?

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