In Which Search Engines are Stock Piled

I happened upon an interesting search engine this weekend when placing an order with suggested I check out  (and if I did, I would have saved some pennies on my shipment)- a new search engine that has combined the likes of Google, GuruNet, and Internet Movie Database.
Well, it definitely nabbed my interest, but I wasn't about to go searching when all I really wanted was to confirm my order of Smallville season 3. I made it a point to come into the office this morning and do a little investigating on this new search engine and see what it is all about.
To my surprise, I peformed a search on James Carroll, an author I am currently reading for my class, and not only did I find relevant links, but the sidebar had pictures on the right navigation panel as well as search results for books, movies and history based on "James Carroll" Tres cool! Now what?
Here is a snippet from the a9 homepage: remembers your information so you don’t have to. You can keep your own notes about any web page and search them; it is a new way to store and organize your bookmarks; it even recommends new sites and favorite old sites specifically for you to visit. With the A9 Toolbar installed your web browsing history will be saved so you can search through your whole history (and clear items you don’t want kept). uses your history to recommend new sites, to alert you to new search results, and to let you know the last time you visited a page.
Curious? Go check out to see what's cool with a9 for yourself -

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