Intel Has Its Eyes on WiMAX

Intel plans to work with 100 cities globally in an effort to expand on services utilizing WiMAX technology.

In an article issued by Reuters, it is reported that Intel will add to its success of WiFi by assisting city officials to develop a market for WiMAX which will eventually offer high-speed wireless to entire cities.

From the article:

Cities outside of the United States that are working on the wireless initiative include Taipei and Jerusalem, both of which have plans to test WiMax within a year, added [Anand] Chandrasekher. (vice president of sales marketing group, Intel)

U.S. cities involved in the wireless projects include Philadelphia and Cleveland, which wants to see how wireless can help its city workers such as police and building inspectors do their jobs more efficiently.

Officials in Corpus Christi, Texas are also testing technologies such as wireless video links that could potentially help police and medical workers prepare for emergency situations, Chandrasekher said.

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