iPod, wiPod, iShuffle

Fellow blogger, Rich Tehrani said that there was a possibility that I'd throw a shout-out to the iPod in his blog yesterday , and sure enough, it didn't take much time for me to get to my musings about iPods, iTunes and that sort of iStuff that is becoming ever popular.

First of all, I'd like to mention that Apple just released the iShuffle, a plug and play device fit for spontaneous people who love surprises. This neat-o gadget is about the size of a pack of Trident gum and can hold up to 240 songs which, by the way, are automatically selected by your iTunes at random. As Apple says on the site about iShuffle, iPod shuffle adds musical spontaneity to your life. Lose control. Love it.

I already do. I may have to get one. And the price is a lot less than your standard iPod - about $99 buckaroos. Sweet.

So when are they going to invent the WiFi enabled iPod? (soon, I hope) Until that time comes, Metro FreeFi has a great little resource for you iPod'ers ....you can find a WiFi hotspot from your iPod if you download this nifty little resource. Pick a state (or 5) and download your custom built wiPod so you will always have your most favorite cities stored for WiFi access.

But note - iPod has a limit of 1,000 note files so if you have chosen more than 1,000 hotspots, your iPod will not register them properly.

Then again, if you have over a thousand hotspots, then clearly, you are more well traveled than I.

Listed below are links to sites that reference iPod, wiPod, iShuffle:

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