More iPods

Apple is really pushing it with the iPods, what with new models being introduced quicker than butter rolling off a hot biscuit. First nano, now video?

This iPod lover is a bit late in the game getting a blog entry up about it, but I was at Columbia Presbyterian in Manhattan all day yesterday, so in the confines of the waiting room, I missed the news. It wasn't until last night while driving home and listening to the AM radio did I find out about the new video iPod.

The gentleman discussing his take on this new gadget said he was sure that this new iPod wouldn't really do well in the consumer market. I am not sure I agree because when you think about it, this iPod is still the same price as the others (starting at $299) and it has a newer feature. What's not to like? How can something that is still being marketed at normal iPod prices with newer digs not do well?

Regardless, it's just one more gadget that I will covet. Who knows. Someday I may end up with a collection of iPods.

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I believe 299 bucks for an iPod is too much money if there is not really new on it.

Jair Santos
Software Engineer
Cliconnect Internet Telephony

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