WiMAX: Superman of the Wireless World

Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound! (well, not really)

I'm not talking about Superman, although WiMAX is certainly shaping up to be the Superman of the wireless world.

Aside from the gigantic growth that WiMAX has seen over the recent months, it's also becoming evidently popular. According to research conducted by Frost & Sullivan, WiMAX will probably become the "third most widely used high-speed Internet access technology".....right after DSL and cable - the big competitors of WiMAX (or, maybe I should say the Lex Luthors of WiMAX?)

WiMAX is highly sought-after because of its low-cost, evolution in product development and flexibility (think...Plastic Man?) when switching suppliers that push WiMAX-based products.

Despite consumer investments in WiFi and DSL, the competition is on. According to the report, WiMAX is looking to meet the latest demands in the wireless communications market for efficient voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), superior performance, and higher reliability in the wireless industry that is currently unmet by the existing technologies.

WiMAX has the upper-hand when it comes to rugged terrain and areas that are ill-equipped for DSL - specifically areas in rural Asia, Eastern Europe - both of which are extremely expensive for the deployment of DSL or cable.

According to Arjun Chokkappan, Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst, "For WiMAX, standards and low costs are expected to be crucial differentiating factors that will enable the technology to remain competitive in the mainstream commercial market."

The full release of the report can be read here on tmcnet.com.

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