Dark Fiber Community - Video Overview

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Rich Tehrani in the TMCNET Newsroom in Norwalk, CT for a series of interviews. Aside from the general Allied Fiber update and a couple of specific announcements we also discussed the Dark Fiber Community, its purpose and function in the industry. 

The fundemental concept to grasp regarding this online community is that it is comprised of members that inter-relate. The community supports itself as the members support each other. They do not need to do so specifically in any way, but rather their presence gives the buyers what they seek - a resource to gain information about the entire ecosystem and not just one narrow component. 

Building a lit transport network on dark fiber and potentially incorporating microwave backhaul in to the equation is not such an easy task when you're dealing with 1000+ miles in one shot. The ability to one-stop-shop is key - particularly with the fiber/towers and colocation facilities along the route, but also the ability to gain insight as to the other vendors you can potentially deal with for each component helps move the process along.

As Allied Fiber continues ahead the Dark Fiber Community will become an increasingly integral piece of the experience for those that are new to network construction, maintenance and operations. Stay tuned and as always let us know if you have any questions.

Allied Fiber

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