4G in your eyes?

Reading the recent article in IEEE spectrum on smart contact lenses (http://spectrum.ieee.org/biomedical/bionics/augmented-reality-in-a-contact-lens) made me think about the possibilities of improving our daily lives with small connected objects and 4G.  These lenses would allow users to see heads up display type data (maps, schedules, etc.), different spectral bands (Visible, IR, etc), and allow health information to be monitored and transmitted to physicians if needed.  The built in sensors and LEDs could be powered by RF energy harvesting or even ambient light.

The reason 4G becomes critical is not higher bandwidth, but rather the all IP network, the interaconnectivity among networks that the smart lens may need access to, and the security management given this could include very sensitive data.  Innovations like this would could be available in a 5 year timeframe signal a new area where human communication becomes and overlay to the many streams of sensors and devices communicating directly.
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