Human Networks as Digital Swarms

Researchers in Australia and Singapore are working on a free ad-hoc mesh networking approach using the cellphones of users,,researchers-developing-free-mobile-mesh-network.aspx   This will use Peer to Peer WiFi and Bluetooth connections to assemble networks that can easily move data and content among users with no requirement for a carrier-based network.  Researchers from National ICT Australia (NICTA) and Singapore's A*STAR Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) hope to demonstrate the technology within two years, according to the NICTA project leader Roksana Boreli.  This is a great example of a Digital Swarm enabler that will disrupt the current carrier centric wireless model and allow users to innovate around new free platforms similar to fon in the UK.  The implications for carriers is that they will need to have a compelling P2P offering and way to monetize this or their revenue will erode as more users communicate this way.  The recent move by AT&T to allow Skype on its data network shows a willingness to explore models that could canibalize their core business.  Better to be the disruptor than the disruptee.
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