Poisoning the Well on Mobile Privacy-Security?

In my book, The New World of Wireless: How to Compete in the 4G Revolution (http://www.amazon.com/New-World-Wireless-Compete-Revolution/dp/013700379X), I talk about  "Killer Bees" scenario where users lose trust in wireless networks due to breaches of privacy.  In this scenario, the Digital Swarm never fully develops to its full potential as users are unwilling to share their personal data for the greater benefit of all.  It will take a critical mass of health, financial, energy, security, or other personal data from many mobile users to drive real benefits.

The recent accusation of Apple, Google and other device/OS vendors accumulating user's location data without their full knowledge (http://www.wirelessweek.com/News/2011/04/Policy-and-Industry-Lawmakers-Apple-Google-Location-Sharing-Legal/?et_cid=1458682&et_rid=54169515&linkid=http%3a%2f%2fwww.wirelessweek.com%2fNews%2f2011%2f04%2fPolicy-and-Industry-Lawmakers-Apple-Google-Location-Sharing-Legal%2f)  This is now under congressional investigation and depending on how this progresses, could result in public backlash, or worse, new privacy legislation that will over-restrict the ability to track information from a users mobile device.  Much of the innovation going on around mobility today is around context-aware services or applications.  Context comes form understanding the users environment or situation which means knowing their location, activity, etc.  Without key personal information (on an "opt-in" basis of course), we will take a step backward on this exciting path towards more productive mobile apps that improve the way we live and work.  Let's hope Killer Bees is just a "hypothetical scenario".
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