Jabra STONE is Sleek, Snug and Can Transform a Headset Hater

Thumbnail image for Jabra Stone_1 Hi-Res.jpgI've never been a fan of Bluetooth wireless headsets.


Freakish extensions of the ear, the few headsets I've tried been a pain to put on, and an even greater pain to use correctly. Like bicycle helmets, they're not terribly sexy, either.


Until now. 


The task of charging up the new Jabra STONE for a product test was met with far less enthusiasm than getting a Motorola DROID. Of course, I had to give Jabra points for the STONE's sleek, black exterior, and the nice way the swirl-shaped ear attachment fit snuggly into an accompanying pebble-shaped charger. 



But because the directions - about the size of a magazine centerfold with 36 little charts -- were so easy to read, I got the headset up and running almost instantly (after a two-hour charge). Within five minutes of my beginning the set-up process, the STONE found and connected with my DROID.


It was the coolest experience ever! Even after a decade gadget testing, I have rarely felt as cool as I did when I just tapped on this little, near-invisible headset to answer a phone call. And the sound was totally clear on both ends.


I predict ladies like me will become its biggest users. With the Jabra STONE, I just let my hair down and became one with the gadget.


Still, a few questions remain as I sign off tonight.


How will my little STONE fare when I'm driving down I-95 to the gym? Will I forget to take it out of my ear? How long will it take to break the habit of answering my BlackBerry instead of tapping my new headset?


I'll keep you posted.

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