ITU Wants to Control the Internet

Peter : On Rad's Radar?
| Peter Radizeski of RAD-INFO, Inc. talking telecom, Cloud, VoIP, CLEC, and The Channel.

ITU Wants to Control the Internet

FCC Commission McDowell is in Barcelona talking about the issue of the UN sponsored ITU wanting to control the governance of the Internet. I think we can all agree that the UN is any more efficient than any government on the planet and has even less enforcement power than the American FCC.

"We are at a crossroads for the Internet's future. One path holds great promise, while the other path is fraught with peril," stated Comm. McDowell. "The promise, of course, lies with keeping with what works, namely maintaining a free and open Internet while insulating it from legacy regulations. The peril lies with changes that would ultimately sweep up Internet services into decades-old ITU paradigms. If successful, these efforts would merely imprison the future in the regulatory dungeon of the past. Even more counterproductive would be the creation of a new international body to oversee Internet governance." [RWW]

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