Vidalia Onions, Summer and Edge Devices

The weather has been very unusual in Dallas this year. The rain has been unrelenting and we have yet to have a hot spell. This gets into the psyche of some people, not me, but some people. Anyway, my wife asked for a fun meal to eat. This was a different kind of a challenge.  I chose Pigs in a Blanket. Now this is not your mother's version made with bad biscuit dough. However, it is still easy to make and with a side of French fries and catsup quite good.

For you foodies who are saying that's not a recipe I also made one of my favorite summer salads (I am praying for the rain to end). Vidalia Onions, Feta cheese and Olives. This is easy and tasty as well. Hopefully, with this offering I won't have to turn in my foodie card.

IADs, Media Gateways and Routers

We all know that we need an IAD to connect a TDM PBX to an IP Communications service. It is a lot tougher to know what features to look for and what type to buy. Guess what? I do not know. So, between now and Wednesday, I plan to get an opinion about the feature offerings of our partners and how they apply to our customers. As to recommending a given brand, I'll decline doing that. At Broadvox, we are agnostic with regard to our partner's offerings. We do our best to give our program members all of the information they need to make an informed opinion. So this week we will discuss customer needs and possible device solutions.

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