What's a Typewriter?

I entered the weekend tired and anxious to cook. While I had been busy with the Broadvox Partner Summit and the new product announcements, relaxation comes from cooking. I had Sunday dinner planned; grilled lamb chops with Greek seasoning, a tomato, basil and sweet onion salad, and potato gruyere and bacon gratin. However, as we conducted our usual Saturday chores and shopping, my barbeque store finally had an ample supply of applewood.  Applewood is great for smoking bacon, ham, cheese, scallops and many other things. I have been looking for it for weeks. Finally, a store had as much as I wanted. We were on our way to a local pub for lunch but I instead bought 80 pounds of wood. I turned to my wife and said, "Let's go home and I'll make lunch." We bought some fresh tuna, hamburger and buns. I made a wasabi mayonnaise for the grilled tuna sandwich. It was for my wife and I wanted it to be special after all I had just canceled eating out. I had the burger. On Sunday, I made the menu I planned. While everything was good, the recipe of the week is Potato Gruyere and Bacon Gratin.  Enjoy!

What's a typewriter?

A colleague mentioned that his daughters asked him to describe a typewriter. The concept was unclear to them. I proudly identified that I owned an Underwood typewriter from the 1930's and would bring it into the office so he could show his daughters. He then told me he was surprised that I had an electric typewriter. When I explained that an Underwood did not use electricity, he was confused. "How did it type?" he asked. The conversation brought out this thought. Today when we think of phones, we do not dial a number and with cell phones, we do not listen for dial tone. Soon the idea of a phone not connected to your Internet service provider or cable company will be just as foreign as using a typewriter.

Moving on...what can we add to our IP communications solutions to make them more interesting using wireless? The first is to add a Wi-Fi base station to any solution offering. Wi-Fi has the bandwidth to offer clearer communications than a cell phone and reduces the need to wire all areas of the business infrastructure. Additionally, there are several wireless IP phones that have been certified with multiple IP PBXs. The UniData WPU 7700 wireless IP phone is one that comes to mind. In addition, there are several manufacturers of dual mode phones that support both Wi-Fi and GSM/cellular such as LG, Nokia, and Pirelli. On the DECT side of the house there are wireless solutions from Panasonic, snom and Aastra with each offering SIP compatible wireless phones.

These solutions can be positioned in automobile dealerships, warehouses, real estate offices and hospitals. They will improve productivity and communications wherever there is a need for mobility and immediate communications.

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