Apple Tablet: A Good Idea or a Bad One?

An interesting video was posted yesterday on, in which staff reporter Scott Moritz and gadget columnist Gary Krakow discuss Apple’s reportedly upcoming release of a tablet computer with touchscreen.
Krakow’s conclusion was that maybe Apple will come out with a product compelling enough for people to buy it, but given the history of table computers the odds are against Apple.
“Ask any other manufacturer: tablets do not sell,” Krakow said in the video. He noted that people like the idea of working on a flat surface, but when it comes time to type a letter, tablets fall short.
“Apple might be able to make it work with some interesting features,” Krakow said, looking skeptical.
Moritz noted Apple has already conceded that its table wouldn’t be a mass market product, but rather a specialty one designed for the educational market. But Krakow pointed out that quite a bit of that market may already be taken by the One Laptop Per Child device, which is not just a laptop computer but also a tablet.
“They’re going to have to do something very interesting,” Krakow said of Apple’s designs on tackling the tablet market. “Leave it to them; I’m sure they’ll find it.”
What do you think; can Apple successfully launch a tablet computer, or is this market too tough a nut for even iPhone’s creator to crack?

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