Base Stations' Affect on Backhaul

Next Generation Communications Blog

Base Stations' Affect on Backhaul

Writing in his latest The Middle Mile column today, titled Bigger Isn't Always Better, Dr. Alan Solheim addresses a number of issues critical to those looking to deploy base stations, touching upon various constraints such as reach, available spectrum, and teledensity and how they affect the operator's choice in selecting the appropriate solution for deployment at the base station.
As Solheim writes:
The discussion surrounding base station size (Macro, Micro, Pico or Femto) is certainly subject to ... confusing barrage of information and misinformation.
The need to continue to adapt one's product lines to track the changing requirements has never been more apparent. Those who cannot bring themselves to cannibalize their existing products with new offerings or who cling to traditional, TDM based technologies will be left behind in this rapidly evolving new world.
Make sure to check out the article here.

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