Apple Tablet - A Bridge to 4G for Enterprises?

While the buzz around the Apple Tablet (, or as some are calling it, the "iPad", reaches a fever pitch in anticipation of this week's announcement, most folks are talking about the disruption to the mobile consumer market.  Yes, this could change the device paradigm, the way we consume apps, and even the next evolution of the publishing/ereader model, but the more interesting opportunity that no one is talking about is what it could do in the enterprise space.  Given the impact of rudimentary iPhone apps in the enterprise space like bar code scanners, navigation, and live video, the Apple Tablet could turn this crack into a gaping hole of change.  With a larger, more interactive screen and a high speed, ubiquitous 4G network, healthcare, supply chain, maintenance/repair, training, collaboration, customer service/support, sales force automation, and even product design applications could all become completely untethered.  This could result in new levels of efficiency and productivity gains that would further fuel investments in wireless/mobile innovation for enterprises.  Imagine a home inspector being able interact with a live picture of the home to note deficiencies, or a truck repairman sending diagnostic info and getting back the appropriate repair video instructions.  The Digital Swarm just became more capable.

So while there is no doubt the iPad will be very cool for consumers with breakthrough mobile entertainment, access to content, and useful apps, the real excitement may be in the enterprise world once they realize what's coming.
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