Gobble, Gobble, Gobbled

David Byrd : Raven Call
David Byrd
David Byrd is the Founder and Chief Creative Officer for Raven Guru Marketing. Previously, he was the CMO and EVP of Sales for CloudRoute. Prior to CloudRoute, He was CMO at ANPI, CMO & EVP of Sales at Broadvox, VP of channels and Alliances for Telcordia and Director of eBusiness development with i2 Technologies.He has also held executive positions with Planet Hollywood Online, Hewlett-Packard, Tandem Computers, Sprint and Ericsson.
| Raven Guru Marketing http://www.ravenguru.com/

Gobble, Gobble, Gobbled

It was a busy and very varied weekend for food. Since I enjoy Philadelphia cheese steaks we had those for Friday dinner. Saturday was what I call a mariner’s pie versus a shepherd’s pie. Instead of lamb and few vegetables as the filling, it was crab, shrimp and lobster held together with a béchamel sauce. This was topped with garlic mashed potatoes as in the shepherd’s pie. Amazingly good! I wasn’t expecting it to be so good that it would challenge for the recipe of the week. But it did. However, I didn’t measure anything. There is no recipe. That left Sunday’s dish, Asian marinated grilled turkey as the only choice. Least you think it was not a worthy contender, you would be wrong. It too was very good. The marinated turkey was very juicy and flavorful. I served hot and sour soup, stir fried noodles and rice as side dishes. As usual too much food for the two of us but we enjoyed. So, the recipe of the week is Grilled Asian Marinated Turkey Breast. Enjoy!


…well not yet anyway. But RIM and Nokia need some success or an acquisition will be in either or both company’s future.

It is going to be a short week for me with the Independence holiday on Wednesday. I will not be writing the blog this week. I will be back next week with another original recipe and a much more complete thought on players in the IP ecosystem.

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