Pan Roasted Chicken and a Little Reminder...

Last week was not fun. My laptop disk had a hard crash. Luckily, since I was traveling, I had backed everything up before leaving town. However, it meant that I needed to go into the office on Saturday to get the backup drive. I figured since I was already planning to drive downtown, I might as well take my wife and have lunch at a new Indian restaurant having its grand opening that day. The restaurant was beautiful, however, the buffet consisted of the blandest uninteresting group of curries I have ever been presented. The meal was so uninteresting I decided to only taste a teaspoon at a time. I did not want this meal to represent my caloric intake for the day. My wife was a bit nicer than I was and ate just enough to call it a light lunch. Saturday night, as we had some ice cream (hey, I still was under for my caloric intake); she wanted to know what was going to be the dish of the weekend. I thought a few moments and decided upon an old favorite of mine, Pan Roasted Chicken with Boursin Cheese.


Now, the original recipe used boneless chicken breast cooked in a Boursin cheese and cream sauce. I wanted to lighten the sauce, improve the chicken and bring additional flavors to the party. This version of the recipe will replace the old one hence forth and forever more.

A Little Reminder...

While it is easy at Broadvox to keep our heads down and stay busy selling and turning up orders, I do want to remind the VARs, dealers, OEMs and agents out there about a couple of things. Remember, to leverage your cost savings by including the SIP trunk ROI upfront as you position an IP PBX. Do not allow the objections to an upgrade or replacement to get hung up on cost. If there is no money or capital expenditure for an outright purchase, remember to position a lease. If you need assistance finding someone to handle the lease for you, contact your Broadvox Channel Manager and we will find someone with you can make leasing arrangements. Finally, do not forget the tax write off for a small business that implements an IP PBX. To assist businesses with complying with the American Disabilities Act, Section 44 of the IRS Code allows a tax credit for small businesses and Section 190 of the IRS Code allows a tax deduction for all businesses. The installation does qualify the buyer for a hearing disabled tax credit if the business has revenues of less than one million dollars and fewer than 31 employees. Of course, have the buyer check with their tax advisor to make certain they qualify and to determine what the amount will be. This credit can cover 50% of the eligible access expenditures in a year up to $10,250 (maximum credit of $5000).

It's easy to forget these little gems.

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